Amala skincare contains the maximum possible concentration of certified organic and wildcrafted whole plant ingredients.
For two decades we’ve sought out the world’s most potent, healing botanicals, and worked with our fair trade partners to custom distill and extract their powerful essences.
Our formulas are 100% natural and free of synthetics, chemical preservatives and ingredients tested on animals. Thanks to our exceptionally high standards, Amala treatments were recently certified natural and organic by NATRUE.
Amala 的嚴格標準
•全線產品獲得NaTrue 的國際有機認證
•生產 Amala 的公司在德國有超過25年製作有機護膚品經驗
•採用公平貿易 與超過二十年友好農場夥伴合作, 以銷售利潤的5%支持機耕種發展
helping to prevent moisture loss with
this delicate, concentrated blend of
seed oils.